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Exodus Academy

Selected candidates will spend 12 weeks as ‘students’ at Exodus Academy.  Currently, students from the Jefferson County Detention Facility are enrolled in Academy classes held in the unit.  These men and women receive intense instruction in 4 streams of study that are proven to be essential for successful reentry.  



Candidates who are interested in Exodus Academy will be interviewed for admission.  We look specifically for individuals who are highly motivated to change their lives and are willing to do anything to make that change happen.


Four Streams of Study


Ethics & Character

Developing a personal code of moral conduct based on the recognition that behavior flows out of what deeply held beliefs.


Career Development

Only 56% on parole find full time employment.  We help students develop an entrepreneurial mindset, skills for full time employment, and a plan for a future career.


Resource Management

Our students learn how to use their time, money, talent, and relationships to create value for themselves and their community.


Restoration and Recovery

Using a theoretical blend of several schools of thought, we help students create a new “mindset” based on the realities of life.

Recovery Services


Exodus.Life not only provides education but also case management services for interested graduates and others in the community.  Together they work through strategies to address their recovery needs, housing and employment opportunities.  Exodus.Life partners with other service providers and volunteers in the community to help solve these problems.  In the process, the graduates get the opportunity to develop a true support network. 



Case Management Services

  • Assessment

  • Goal planning

  • Individual therapy

  • Group therapy

  • Family therapy

  • Resource referral

  • Support systems

  • Crisis management

  • Advocacy

Types of Peer Support



Empathy and concern for one another



Connections to information and referrals to community resources supporting health and wellness



Concrete supports such as assistance with housing or employment



Connections to recovery community supports, activities, and events



Benefits of Peer Recovery Services


  • Improved relationship with treatment providers

  • Decreased emergency service utilization

  • Reduced re-hospitalization rate

  • Reduces substance use

  • Greater housing stability



Support Groups


Currently peer support groups are available to participants at our Exodus.Life office while some are held at service provider locations.  An increase in available support groups are included in the launch of the “new” Exodus.Life.  Check this website and our Facebook page for updates, or contact us directly for more information.




Learning together how to best help our returning citizens . . . and hire them . . . and disciple them!  Exodus.Life will be facilitating conferences, roundtables, online learning, organizational consulting, and local training for Exodus.Life partners.  We have regional and national friendships with expert practitioners in the faith community, business and non-profit worlds, and we learn from them and from one another.


Partners are resourced with the best programs, practices, materials, systems and processes as they emerge from the network.  When requested, we will conduct local training so you can continue to build into the foundations we’ve laid at Exodus Academy.  We will function like an “open source” platform – everything we learn and every resource and training we create or uncover will be shared freely with partners of Exodus.Life.



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